Monomad Challenge: Aerial Photo of Oyster Seeker


Hey everyone, how are you today, I'm back with some black and white visuals you might like, and here's my entry for the #Monomad challenge. This time I'm back again with some visuals, these are visuals that I made using a drone and camera, so in this content, there are two versions of images, namely from the air and from the ground, this is very interesting, friend, I think when we make a photo story it will be very It's good and interesting if there is aerial image support, this is a compliment, to show the entire area that is our story using visuals. You can see how people look for oysters in the estuary by walking in the water. Maybe if we only had pictures of the land, we wouldn't know the condition of the estuary as a whole, only seeing it as flat, but thanks to aerial photos, I can see how it is. along the estuary while collecting oysters. they work when the sea water is low, that way some areas become shallow and they can walk on it to collect oysters, these are very interesting friends, I have prepared some visuals that you might like and use as references to create interesting photo stories. So that's enough of my writing this time, I hope you like it and have fun.







You are happy with my current work, and I will be happy if you like this latest work. Have a good time!!!

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