A Side Vs My Side


Staying away from active involvement in political discourse is one of the best decisions I ever made. I still hold my values close, and am quite interested in the direction things go, but I simply won't entagle myself with unnecessary feelings of agitation. I love this platform because (at least for those I follow) there are hardly bitter political engagements even among those that choose to be politically active. I always have respect for those who are respectful of the opinions of others even when they can't agree.

Furthermore, I have learned that blind loyalty in political discourse is likely not the way to go. Loyalty to a particular view is tricky on its own, but loyalty to a person is especially unwise. The only thing we should have loyalty to is our values. It is from my values that I decide which side I am going to pitch my political tent, and choose the option that aligns most consistently with them. Discrediting a persons charcater is very common in the politics of today particularly when their views cannot be challenged. I believe in the values alignment formula as the best way to filter beyond the noise (and there's quite a bit) that the media makes during political season.

It must be stated that choosing to be politically inactive isn't the same as being unbothered. You almost have to choose a side, unless you really don't care about your political landscape or have very little faith in the ability of your political leadership and structure to address them. Personally I have limited faith in the capacity, willingness and ability of any political leader. However I do also believe being passive will create room for zero chances of actually seen what I can call an ideal socio-economic and socio-political climate.

Irrespective of your political divide you probably have justified reasons for them based on what you know and value, and so do millions of people alongside you. I won't discount that. What I do hope for is a climate where we can all be civil in our opinions. That likely won't happen as the power struggle gets more desperate, but at least we can enforce some semblance of control at an individual level.

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