My HIVE Account Name / HIVE アカウント名の由来

This is the participation post for the HIVE JA event, the community where users can engage and share their posts in Japanese.
Thank you @go-kyo for organizing the event.

The event has provided subjects to write about, and I've chosen "What is the origin of your Hive account name?"
The English translation is provided at the bottom.

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HIVE JAのイベント “Hive JAの皆さんに質問です! に参加します!





ん〜〜〜あの陽気で気まぐれっぽい青い魔人かぁ〜と思ったのですが、結構いい奴で願いも叶えてくれる、バディーと呼んでも良い存在でもあるなと思い…でも女の子だったので、何となくDJINNの “ I “ を “ Y ” にして DJYNNと書くことにしたのです。
避妊手術をしてもらった時に、耳に登録番号のタトゥーをしてもらったのですが、獣医さんがスマイルマークくらいならしてあげるよというので ♡゛と彫ってもらいました。


彼女の名前を何故HIVE(Steemit)のアカウント名にすることにしたかは良く覚えていないのですが😅 濁点の付いたちょっと男前な感じと綴りが好きなのと、彼女のことをとても大切にしていたこと。



[English Translation]

Image generated using Leonardo AI

Guess what? I'm going for SpookyPops NFT too!
Hehe, Just kidding! No win for me, but I'm excited to see many of you participate.

Alright, I wasn't sure which subject to choose, but I'll go with this one: "What is the origin of your Hive account name?"

I've written about this before, so some of you old-timers may know about it, but since some of you are new here, I thought I would write about it.

My account name is borrowed from the name of my late dog, Djynn, pronounced as "gin".
Djynn was born bigger than her litter mates but was very timid, and not accepting anyone but me and my husband. I wanted her name to reflect a bit so that she won’t be so nervous around other people.

In Japanese, there’s an idiom, "having hair on one's heart” which means…hmmmm…I couldn’t find a good translation for this…someone is insensitive, callous, impudent, bold…confident…
Well, it comes with negative meaning sometimes but I definitely didn’t want her to be rude. I wanted her to be free from nervousness, not worried so much and be a happy dog.
My apologies, it's hard to explain 😅

So this is what I did…One of the pronunciations for heart in Japanese is “shin”. I added hair to it by….well, Japanese add [ ゛] looks like hair right?🤣…to the characters to make the sounds from Shin to Gin.

Although, "Gin" is an alcoholic beverage.
Then my husband pointed out that Genie in Aladdin is also called Djinn (pronounced as gin). I liked the idea of a cheerful buddy but I wanted to add a twist to it because my puppy was a girl, so I changed the "i" to "y" and decided on "Djynn".

When Djynn was spayed, the vet offered to tattoo simple symbol next to her registration number, so I opted for ♡゛

But every time I was asked for her name, people thought of alcohol. Of course🤣 I didn't want to explain all this, so I often called her by nicknames like Ginger, Gingy or Gingin due to her ginger-colored fur.

I don't quite recall why I decided to use her name for my Hive (Steemit) account. I really like how it is spelled. Perhaps I liked the slightly masculine sound or maybe it was because I loved her so much I needed her with me somehow.
I was there when she was born. I caught her with my hands when her mother gave birth to her while she was standing and I was holding her when she took her last breath at 15. It made me ponder that it feels like I inherited her life.
I have a similar personality, so perhaps there was a desire to become a little more relaxed and confident in my actions.

That's the story behind my account name.

Photo is of my dog, Djynn and tiger (my eldest daughter at age 5).
My daughter is imitating Djynn doing her stretches.


That’s all for today.

Thanks for visiting!



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