Ease of forming communities in the HIVE network for monetization

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I was already kind of bullish on HIVE.

After finding out more about building communities and the possibilities of monetizing them, I am even more BULLISH on HIVE.

I have this post to thank.

It can be hard for a newcomer to know what is going on in Hive. So even my first read of that post did not sink in easily. I am still having doubts about some things.

But the happy gist is this (if you are new, like me): You can create communities for a topic of your interest. The cost is about 3 Hive to burn. You can also create a token for 100 BEE (about 100 Hive) and award people for posting. Being the main guy in the community seems to benefit one in the department of monetization. I just haven't figured out how. I appreciate your comments below to help me make sense of this ecosystem.

More of such posts from a noob like me is good, more comments/responses that clear doubts are even better.

This is how the network effect can grow, by building and supporting the community.

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