Road Tripping

Hi fellow Hiveians,

Today I wanted to appreciate the stress but enjoyment that can come with a roadtrip, especially one that's a bit longer!


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We are going to be embarking on a fun albeit stressful little journey!

We’ve been trying to make our way to sunshine and warmth to escape the winter for a while now but we’ve hit some snags along the way where we were going to go at a certain time then we started to look at flights and some of the other costs associated with it all and we said wow that’s insane how much things are expensive and needlessly so right now. As time moves on things like transportation should get cheaper but they are squeezing us for all the money they can get sadly which is awful but a discussion for another day lol.


We said screw it! Let’s just drive! So the road tripping idea was born lol.

I don’t know how it’s going to go, as we will be in the car driving quite a few miles but it will happen one way or another! We’ve had the idea in mind before but deferred it for a little while because we felt the little man was too young and couldn’t handle the long drive. He’s still a bit young but we are going to give it a try anyways, knowing that we are going to need to make quite a few stops along the way which is fine! I don’t know if I could get in the car and drive the whole way without stopping anyways because I’m a scenery type of guy, I like to stop and take in the sights if I can here and there.

What’s cool is there are countless sites on the web for people to look at that have interesting driving directions and journeys for people to follow if they want to drive all kinds of different routes which is nice. It helps to look at these for me because it also gives good recommendations for places to stop, where to avoid and where you need to make sure that you don’t get stuck lol.


What will also be cool is that we are going to be driving through areas that I’ve never been or only been once before in my life, not that we are going to be stopping for an extended amount of time but getting out to stretch the legs will be a good thing in some of the spots along the way and get a few pictures of what we can see.

The thing I’m a little nervous about is going that distance in our own car and hoping that it’s going to hold up well lol. Our car is in good shape but the journey is going to add a few thousand miles to the odometer which isn’t ideal but I think it’s a worthy use of the miles, as it’s also getting us to check out some neighborhoods and areas that we might try to move to sometime in the future. The other benefit of that will be that we can also bring lots of snacks and healthier food than if we were getting on a plane, having to limit all our stuff and then rent a car when we get to our destination. It’s pretty wild to think that driving somewhere is cheaper than flying and renting a car when in the not so distant past, the opposite was true.


It’s going to be an interesting journey for sure! I’m hoping that the little man will hold up well enough for it. I know that he gets a little antsy when we are in the car for long periods of time but he enjoys traveling and seeing different things so I think he will certainly enjoy a lot of the journey and will keep his nose glued to the car window in a lot of spots, seeing the different cities and stuff that we pass through. The funny part about him though, which is great in the grand scheme of things, is that he loves and is more interested in the rivers and stuff that we pass than he is anything else lol. Anytime we pass by a river he points it out and asks if we can go check it out. It’s pretty funny and I wonder what that’s going to turn into later in his life for career or other type of thing. He’s definitely going to be an outdoors kid as he grows up which I thoroughly enjoy!

Fingers crossed that the drive not only there goes well but also the drive back! We are in a decent spot where we can make adjustments on the fly as needed but we of course want smooth sailing in both directions! Positive thoughts :D.

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-CmplXty. Real human written content, never AI.

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