You don't have to win all the time.

You don't have to win all the time, sometimes you can enjoy the joy of losing. You have to change yourself, you have to love others, you have to try to keep others happy. Humans are not above mistakes, so forgiving the mistakes of others is a noble act. Real love is to forgive others' mistakes and take them to heart...

You don't always have to win. Winning is not everything. Sometimes losing teaches lessons that can never be found in winning.

No bad habit is too bad to be broken. Any work can be done only if you insist once from within. Just as you can build up a habit gradually, you can also break it slowly. Because there is a proverb in Bengali that man is a slave to habit. There are two places to be good in the world. One is inside someone's mind and the other is in someone's prayer.

People say that with time all the troubles are forgotten. But it seems to me that with time one learns to bear the hardships. Due to which those hardships do not seem like a big deal later. You just don't give up on yourself. Then no one can beat you. One has to keep morale and move forward with strong faith in any work. If I think beforehand that I can't do this, then I will never be able to achieve success. So if you want to survive in life, you have to move forward with a fixed goal.

When I don't want to talk to anyone or a close loved one I don't think I'm suffering from depression I worry a lot. Then I try to bring out all the garbage inside me and clean it one by one. If I ever get angry very easily, get irritated at the slightest thing, and react with tritmy when someone says something, then I know that I am on pension. In fact, you have to reduce anger and always work with intelligence and sharp thinking only then success will come.

*Sometimes I feel like I am really good or bad, I get confused. Sometimes I want to go away from my family and relatives so that I don't like anyone anymore. Either some of their words, some of their behavior or I don't want to show anyone the weaknesses in me.

Especially when I miss you. Then I looked at that phone. Shall I call or SMS. In this way, it becomes calm again. Because you are far away from someone else today. A true lover never loves a hundred people, he wants to embrace one person in a hundred ways. Love doesn't see anything. It happens already. And if seeing something is love, then it is not love, it is love.

Loving someone unconditionally never ends. Because his love is boundless which has no end. As time goes by, the love deepens and the love grows. I don't want a perfect person in my life, I want to hold the hand of someone who can be trusted with eyes closed.

It is very important to have a loved one in life who will not have any contact with anyone else. No one else's story will touch him, the story will be completely his own. So I love you today, I will love you tomorrow, I loved you, I still love you and I will love you in the future. I will love you even if you are not...

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