Its seems forever to get to min activity bcoz off my phone did not work well.. Even though i'm walking when i am at working site were more than 10k ( i guess).. So, though ineeded more time to look at
Its been a while since the last post.. Feel so good to have a chance to post again.. Tried so hard before to get more than 5000 steps, guest i had to try harder.. That all for today.. Have a nice day..
daily works seems to be hard when do it at open space and hot temperature. but what to complaints.. just do it patiently, sure do it will come to finish line someday.. 14517 Daily Activity
a picture taken when cleaning and improving the house in progress.. clearing the glass of broken table. a new year with a new environment.. 11347 Home Improvement
just a few days before closing date of ourjob. the crew gathered around and make some delicious meal. its mean, this new year will be a new environment and new collegeus. farewell 2019, the memory reains...
my small flower on my small pot. its has been a few weeks since my last post. the last two weeks my family spend a hole week at hospital because of influenza. within this week its a quarantine at home.
My Angel.. This is my entry for #MyNegativePhotography initiated by @eii The Rules of MyNegativePhotography Challenge : CLICK HERE Everyone can participate in this Challenge!
This is my entry for #MyDailyColor initiated by @eii taken by my ASUS_X00TD f/2.0 1/2757. 3.52mm. ISO100 This is my entry for #MyDailyColor initiated by @eii #MondayWhite #TuesdayGreen #WednesdayRed