Old books that come back to the present in the form of wonders. 馃摎


Often a walk can be a pleasant surprise, as I often find.

Walking through the streets, if you are attentive and know how to look around you, you can find wonders.

Being attentive and taking into account the details, these steps can lead us to travel through time. I love those and in this case it has taken me far away with surprising wonders.

I found an open door, a beautiful one, where at first I thought you couldn't enter because it seemed to be a government building.


But as soon as I entered I saw this sign, there was an exhibition and the entrance was free.


I went back outside to find out what the place was all about.

The building at the entrance has the following legend "Sociedad econ贸mica amigos del pa铆s" (Economic Society Friends of the Country).


And when I looked to the side it seemed that the building belonged to the tourist office. And it claimed to be "La Casa de Consulado "La Econ贸mica". A place dedicated to promoting the history and culture of the people of Malaga.

A baroque style building dating back to the end of the 18th century, I love to find this kind of cultural and architectural marvels.

But what caught my attention was the exhibition inside, although I didn't really know what it was about.

The sign at the entrance was entitled "The cabinet of wonders", an exhibition of ancient books, where the most remote in history dates back to the 8th century, which was a surprise for me.






The entrance was magnificent, art in the decoration, from a coat of arms, a very old boot and souvenirs for tourists.


At the top of the entrance to the inner courtyard was this amazing sculpture, with magical lighting.




The inner courtyard showed plants, a water fountain and some plaques with inscriptions.

But quickly I could see another sign indicating the entrance to the exhibition or rather the entrance to another time.


I really felt as I entered that I was transported back to a time when printing was the protagonist, but in a different way. The time capsule took me far away.



The whole room had signs indicating both periods in history and the explanation of what was to be seen in the showcases.


Decoration in keeping with the time, books on a table. Knowledge is power, I always say.


One look around made me know that I was going to love this.


I admired each and every one of these books, from them flowed not only a moment in history, but the beauty of the artistry with which they were made.


Many of the books marked the beginnings of the quest for certain knowledge, to know more and more.

But on all subjects, such as nature, plants, geography, history.


It seems that a book of happiness was also written and there it was in front of me.


Exploring the world and the beginnings of it was very present in this exhibition. It marks a moment in history where there were many theories about it and they have been captured in books where their beauty is otherworldly.


For example, there was a book with the atlases of the time, which was wonderful to admire.


I was also able to find many books about the religion of the time, writings, bibles and everything related to faith and devotion.



In those times this subject, especially in Catholicism, was important and was very much linked to art.


I could even find an old book about the apocalypse and the illustrations were beautiful.



Themes dedicated to time and its perception as well as art and leisure time were there in books.

All matters of life in general had a space between pages, letters and beautiful illustrations.

Each one I looked at was more beautiful than the other, the art was present in a very striking way throughout the exhibition.



In this part of the tour, I was able to come across scrolls of different kinds, and they really caught my attention. So much beauty, style and detail.


Finally, in the last part of the exhibition, there were five books, but this time open on one page and where the binding, the pages and the box containing them stood out.

Really very old and of great historical value.



I couldn't help but be amazed by the texture of the illustrations, the colour of the leaves, the gilding of the edges.


The binding was so beautiful, with such good taste and quality that I couldn't stop looking at it.



And that each book has a box in the same style as the binding was amazing.


As the name says, inside the display there were only wonders, and wonders that my eyes could not stop looking at. Beauty and art plus wisdom from another time. It was all perfect.


It was a walk that happened surprisingly, which I love, because the surprise was a nice trip back in time. I love books and what they represent.

I really enjoyed this find and being able to bring it here.


Thank you very much for joining me on this Wednesday walk. Best regards to all of you and see you next time.

All photographs are my own.

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