blossom - Garden


My cooking apple tree is doing well after I gave it a harsh pruning during the winter. Sometimes you have to be cruel to be kind. Now with more room to grow it is producing more blossoms than I have seen before. It looks like I will be sick of apple tart by the end of Autumn.

The form still needs a bit of work and from my understanding, I can do a bit more pruning in the early summer also. Please if anyone has advice let me know.


The flowers are really beautiful. It is hard to imagine when it was bare branches in the winter that it had such potential to grow delicate decorations.


My new sweet apple tree is also thriving and has produced lots of flowers. Maybe too many for such a small whip of a tree. I wonder if I should thin them out a bit at the bottom to promote more growth on top. Again any advice is welcome.


The flowers are mostly white and even some have come and gone already. I didn't expect any apples this year but maybe it will surprise me.


My new plum tree is also doing well, I make sure to give these new trees a nice soaking now and then if it hasn't rained. Which in Ireland is almost never.

The plum has produced one of two flowers so I don't think there will be any fruit this year. As long as it is growing and makes some new branches I'll be happy.


I still don't know what kind of tree this is. It was smoothered in ivy two years ago which I cleared and now it is doing really well.


The purple flowers are short-lived which then give way to massive leaves. It looks nearly tropical in the garden.


Another bloom that has come back is this. I don't know the names of plants but I just like the different colours and texture around the garden, especially after the long grey winter.


All this bed had died back but it is so nice to see things rejuvenate with little input from me. My dream garden is to just have plants that take care of themselves. With different colours and forms and maybe once a year I can give them a little haircut.

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