X Blue Metrics ... May 20, 2024

This week, like last week, I saw an increase in impressions on the X platform. Last week's impressions climbed by 61 percent. This week, impressions jumped another 50 percent. That's a pretty decent climb in two weeks.

As one would expect, other metrics increased week over week, as well.

  • Likes bounced 19 percent
  • Reposts rebounded 44 percent
  • Video views saw a 28 percent jounce
  • And media views spiked up 8.7 percent

Metrics that declined include engagement rate (43 percent), profile visits (25 percent), and link clicks (100 percent). Two metrics remained steady, with no decline or increase. I picked up 12 new followers, 1 more as the week before, and received 7 replies to my posts (against 6 the week before).

What shall we say? Ready to drill down?

Impressions and Engagements

I like the shape of this week's impressions graph:

With 422 average earned impressions per day, the best day was Sunday, May 19. Organic impresssions on that day were 738. The next best day was the day before when my posts saw 514 impressions. The third best day was Wednesday, May 15 when my posts saw 445 organic impressions. Every day beyond that was below the weekly average. The day with the lowest number of impressions was today.

Let's go ahead and engagement rate and link clicks out of the way. The engagement rate dipped to 2.1 percent for the week. The best day was Thursday, May 16 when engagement rate was at 5.6 percent. The day before, engagement rate was 2.5 percent, and it was 2.3 percent on Friday, May 17. It was below 2 percent every other day of the week and fell below 1 percent yesterday and today.

Lick clicks for the week were zero. I've got to figure out how to increase that number.

Retweets averaged 2 per day this past week. The best day was May 17 when my posts were retweeted 4 times. Today was the only day I saw no retweets.

Likes averaged 4 per day. The best day for Likes was May 16 when my posts saw 10. The next day there were 5. The lowest day was today with only 1 Like.

Finally, Replies averaged 1 per day. May 16 was the best day, with 2 replies. May 17 had zero replies.

Top Posts

The top post this week had 52 impressions, but it was followed closely by another post with 50. The post with the third most impressions had 29.

The top 3 engagement rates for the week were 16 percent, 15 percent, and 13.6 percent.

In terms of raw engagement, the post with the second-highest number of impressions had the most number of engagements at 8. The post with the highest number of impressions had 6 raw engagements. Three different posts tied for third place in number of engagements, at 3.

The top post for the week took top spot in raw engagements and engagement rate, a rarity, but second place in total impressions. It was published on May 16.

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