Graphite drawing of High Priest Darius --- splinterlands art contest


Welcome to the splinterlands art contest post for this week, and i would be making my entry with a graphite drawing of the splinterlands character "High Priest Darius". After drawing the Time Meddler last work i thought of doing something more dramatic with style then i saw a the High Priest Darius and i was compelled that i had the right character. He is incredibly wise and old and full of magic.

  • My Reference


The whole drawing started from just the idea in your head, there is something you would want to see in tour drawings before you are satisfied. Mine just happens to be that depth in every image, i love to see how it turns out. So i made a sketch of the image which was that of the High Priest Darius. I shaded through the image starting from the face which gives the image a from of character. After that the beards and the cloth it really nice to see some dramas in your drawing like in the particular drawing his eyes were glowing and it looked amazing trying it our. Thank you all for reading my post.

  • Here's the process of my drawing





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