MONOMAD CHALLENGE: The simplicity of the stove


MONOMAD CHALLENGE: The simplicity of the stove

The simplicity of a fire pit will be practically immortal. Many cultures use and follow the same basic principles that even movies recreate: a few strategically placed stones, wood and fire. There are those who elevate it to cook more comfortably.

This year I have been more aware of the ones I see, and I take pictures of them with my phone. I have always imagined them in black and white because I think they convey more. Generally we see the high tones in the ashes, and the low tones in the stones and other places where the smut has wanted to paint them. Some people leave utensils there nearby, and that is something that attracts attention, because they trust that they will not take it away. When you look at them, they look like they came to match when you put a fire pit together.

I think some of them seem to tell a story of those who once used it, such as with the clues left by the footprints on the floor, the utensils they leave there, the way it's built, and even the height. Also, taking them to black and white gives a different feel. Avoid distractions all around, and some take on a sad and melancholy tone.

Of course, all this happens with the stoves off. With those on, it's a different story. But that's for another post.

The photos are my own, taken with my Xiaomi Redmi Note 8 phone and edited with GIMP.


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