30 Day #3StepsNoExcuses Challenge - Day 25


Today's ClickTrackProfit lesson is a big one. Too many people start a home business and try to do it all themselves. Instead, focus on your 3 vital functions (what you're good at) and delegate the rest.

Not a programmer? Hire one!
Not good at copywriting? Pay someone else to do it.

It's amazing how fast your business can grow when you follow this simple tip.


At ListNerds we learn about giving so much value that we "wow" our readers. Imagine if your subscribers just couldn't wait to read your emails. What would that do for your business and your reputation?

Keep giving value every time you send an email, and your readers will always be eagerly watching their inboxes for your message.

Finally, at Plus1Success, it's all about the Law of Attraction. But, put into real practice.


The more you think about something, the more you'll develop strategies to achieve it. So, start filling your mind with thoughts that serve your purpose!

That's all for today. See you for Day 26!

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