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20 facts about @beate

me in the rocky mountains

Fact 1 - My Names

I am named after my tow grandmothers "Beate" and "Marianne".

Fact 2 - Gymnastics

I used to do gymnastics from age 8 until I was 13. My favourit was the horizontal bars.

Fact 3 - My dad's second hand Bookstore

My dad is retired but he runs a second hand bookstore with some friends called "Wiederlesen" in Imst. I really would like to do the same when I'm retired.

Fact 4 - Heights

I'm really afraid of heights. I used to go rockclimbing though...

Fact 5 - Rats

Me and my boyfriend are proud owners of pet rats. They can be quite annoying somtimes but I adore them.

one of my rats - her name ist LOTTE

Fact 6 - Portugal

I lived in Portugal for one year when I was 18. I studied portuguese in Lisbon and went to a lot of Partys. :-)

Fact 7 - 1981 Tattoo

I was born in 1981 - I got that tattoeed on my ankle by a friend who is a tattoo artist - he is born in the same year - so he let me tattoo him the same thing on his arm and it turned out quite well :D

Fact 8 - Tattoos

I love tattoos and got my first one when I was 26. My boyfriend is a tattoo artist. So I got quite a lot of them in the last few years.

Fact 9 - Books/Kindle

I am reading all the time and my appartment got way to small for all that books. So I sold and gave a way a lot of them and switched to a Kindle a few years ago.

Fact 10 - Mac/Windows

I used to work on a Windows PC for many years but about 10 years ago i switched to a Mac and I can't imagine going back...

Fact 11 - Programming -> Graphic Design

My first job was working as a backend programmer, then i switched to frontend programming and somehow landed in doing graphic design and concepts for websites about 10 years ago and I really love what I'm doing.

Fact 12 - Yoga

I started doing Ashtanga Yoga about over 10 years ago and I can't imagine my life without it.

Fact 13 - 5 a.m.

I get up at 5 a.m. 5 times a week to go to my Yoga Shala for my practice before work.

Fact 14 - 10 p.m.

I usually go to bed at 10 p.m. because of Fact 13 :-)

Fact 15 - My Bike

I love going by bike and as soon as it is over 10 degrees I go by bike everywhere. I own a Cannodale Bad Boy.

Fact 16 - Black

Black is my favourite "color".
enter image description here

Fact 17 - Rum

Since my hometown Imst doesn't have a hospital I was born in a town nearby called Rum - I don't drink alcohol anymore though.

Fact 18 - Tumeric

I love tumeric and add it to nearly everything i eat.

Fact 19 - Terrace House

My favourite TV show at the moment is Terrace House - it really makes me feel like going to Japan.

Fact 20 - Plants

I really would like to have plants in my appartment but i somehow manage to kill every single one of them ;-(