Hivefest in the dungeon

The second day of the actual conference moved us to the ancient Diocletian's Palace. We were down in the cellar, which was cooler than outside, but at the expense of no internet for most of us. They still managed to stream it. We were welcomed by some actual Romans. Some of Game of Thrones was filmed there.


We had lots more great presentations. Some of my highlights were a great speech from @arcange on the issues he had with his site being hacked, @starkerz on 3speak and other projects, including ways to get businesses accepting HBD, @crimsonclad on publicising our community and @yabapmatt on why Splinterlands are on Hive. Exciting developments are coming from the VSC smart contracts and improvements to logging into dapps from @techcoderx. Watch the @hivefest videos for more.

We had an exclusive preview of a documentary about the Ghana boreholes project from @mcsamm and @mynewlife. It is very inspiring and i hope you will all get to see it eventually.


Lunch was much the same as yesterday, but still great. The session ended with our beer ambassador @detlev bringing us brews from a blockchain brewery. Unfortunately they are using some other chain for their NFTs, but they could be posting on Hive.

Detlev brins the beer

Parked outside was the Hive rally car that got lots of attention, especially when they fired it up

Hive rally car

Some of the guys recruited a cafe to @distriator so people went there to spend some crypto.

Crypto coffee

Lots of us gathered to eat at a nice pizza place. Just before I left the heavens opened with lots of lightning. It stopped so I could get back to my hotel fairly dry.


Unfortunately our boat trip tomorrow is off as the weather is looking pretty bad. There are museums to explore and we will gather to play pool. I hope to see more of the city before I leave.

The Hive crowd party hard, but some may be getting an early night. It has been another great day. Get to the next one if you can.

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